The wind seems less fierce today and a cardinal came for breakfast along with a chickadee. The sky is cloudless to the North.

Oh, now there are some clouds. I hope they don't obscure the
Wallops Island launch. A Carolina wren is bobbing up and down on the grill's gas hose.
The sky was clear to the North when the rocket took off. It went straight up, then bent East - a silver spot leading a short contrail.
Around noon, a hummer kicked a chickadee off the hummer feeder. Palamedes swallowtails showed up during lunch. A couple of skinks came out. Honeybees joined the bumblebees and wasps. Then, around 2pm a cicada landed in a rose bush. Dark clouds started moving in from the East.

But nothing came of it and the sun still shines.
A bright harvest moon is rising. I think something got to the feeder before I closed it for the night.