The regulars were briefly joined by a titmouse, and hummers got some juice, while the wrens continued to hustle bugs. I was mostly away from view during the morning. Dragonflies and wasps enjoyed the midday heat. Later a buzzard circled.

When I finally got to the pool, there was the fox. Crows and jays scolded, but the loudest was the little wren buzzing like a chain saw. I finally sat down and the fox went on to the neighbors' gazebo. When I was out in the middle of the deep end of the water, I had a view of three cubs. Of course, I did not have the camera.
The wrens have babies too - I can hear them. I assumed so from the adults' frequent trips, but today I heard their cries for food. A biting fly drove me inside, one of the little ones that's smaller than a housefly. The sky has clouded up, with breaks, and the sun behind the clouds makes them look threatening.
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