Sheets of white cloud obscure parts of the sky, but not the sun. The hummer feeder is restored but the hummer only stopped briefly. Perhaps the bleach smell has to dissipate? The regulars have been to the seed feeder. A juvenile towhee landed next to me, but panicked faster than I reacted. I had been photographing the orchard spiders - there is one on each side of the gardenia. A few dragonflies and one cabbage butterfly were around.
Later a black swallowtail was busy with the parsley. The fox came through at lunch time again. Clearly it keeps to a daily round but we haven't seen it return. A barge supporting an
excavator was pushed upstream by a small motorboat at low tide. It sent a great blue heron and a great egret fleeing downstream.

In the late afternoon, after we went swimming, K was playing the fiddle outside and a fox appeared at the edge of the lower patio. I could not get it in focus through the hibiscus leaves. I see wrens carrying something white from the birdhouse. I assume they are carrying off the youngsters' feces in order to keep the nest sweet. They are bringing in bugs almost nonstop. The fox came back and ignored me but decided the neighbors were too noisy.
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