It was cool over night but it warmed up rapidly. The male towhees rose up in the air fussing at each other - I think junior is on his own now. A hummer came but was scared off when I moved. And the usual suspects were here.

Arthropods: wasps, a spider, dragonflies, a scarab beetle and a pine borer, a millipede, a biting fly, and some small brownish butterflies. Tiny black beetles infest the sunflowers and leaf miners have begun to denude the hibiscus. The skin of a grasshopper nymph also clung to a sunflower leaf.
The day has been breezy with fluffy clouds moving fast, not humid or too hot. Nevertheless, one of the above bit or stung me in the pool. Because I was outside, only the chickadees were bold enough to visit the feeder.
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