The cold front has passed. It's breezy and, while plenty of wasps were out, I didn't see any dragonflies. I shooed off a goose that was checking on the pool. The wrens continue to bustle and sing. A hummer visited and gave me a good looking over. It seemed displeased with the juice, so we took the feeder down to clean. A white breasted nuthatch kept trying to have a turn at the seed feeder, despite the regular birds.
I identified this spider as a V
enusta Orchard Spider. A skink crossed the patio in the late morning. And I finally saw adregonfly and a cabbage butterfly. At noon, the fox passed by, ignoring me although I was sitting outside. Tufted titmice came to the feeder. And osprey caught fish.
My only pool rescue today was a honeybee. K saved a spider, In the evening, a female towhee foraged under the feeder. It looked like it was losing tail feathers. A hummer stopped in around 8pm and looked all over for the feeder which was inside, drying. At least it's clear that the hummer is a returning customer.

Smoky cumulus drifted East above the pines while swifts scoured the sky for bugs. The setting sun tinted the clouds peach.
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