There were a few flickers of sunshine but mostly it was overcast. I didn't see much in the way of birds till late in the morning - just warblers and white throats.
At lunch, juncos and titmice appeared. And we had three species of woodpecker: red bellied, downy, and pileated. Robins were also out in the trees. Geese walked around on the ice on the creek. Gulls, crows, and a buzzard flew around.

As I was sorting photos, I heard a lot of twittering. Snow started and the birds mobbed the feeders. A couple of doves poked through the mulch along with the juncos and white throats. The brown thrasher reappeared. Pine warblers came for suet but the yellow rumps weren't feeling generous.
The meteorologists were babbling about a light dusting when we were well into our second inch of snow.
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