K says it was 10°F when she went out for the newspaper. But the sky was clear as the sun rose so some melting may occur. The male towhee and the brown thrasher were back. The brown thrasher tried its best to manage the suet feeder. The towhee evicted a song sparrow from the seed feeder. A goldfinch landed briefly on the feeder hanger but took off before I could get it in focus. Cardinals and house finches also came to the seed feeder and yellow rumps and a female downy woodpecker to the suet. White throats, juncos, and squirrels scoured the snow and a dove looked for a drink.

When we came back from lunch, a mockingbird was working on something in the driveway. The brown thrasher was back struggling to balance on the suet cage. The other birds were joined by a chickadee. The warblers continued to war over the suet. I do not understand why they cannot share. The temperature climbed up to 19°F by 2pm.

After dark the descending new moon was trailed by Venus and Mars. Unfortunately the only window at the right angle had a screen, and I was not about to go outside. So the image got diffracted which made Venus look like a Kelly Freas
star and the moon like it was shredded. Mars is there, above Venus.
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