Despite the thick fog, plenty of birds found the feeders, including two red-bellied woodpeckers. The brown thrasher was back, along with white throats, juncos, a warbler and the regulars. The icicles, however, were gone.

Around 10am the fog began to sink, flowing down to the creek. A half dozen mallards walked around on the ice. Down by the dam outflow a pair of wood ducks paddled in the melt-water. They were followed by a male hooded merganser. Titmice and chickadees showed up. A robin and a wren perched beyond the pool.
In the afternoon there were flickers of sunlight. At least eight mallards fed under the bulkhead. The two chasing herons reappeared. Two doves and a song sparrow came to the reappearing mulch under the feeder.
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