The waning gibbous moon was still high in the West this morning while clouds in the East glowed pink. Herons were up early, still maneuvering for territory while gulls battled the wind above. A buzzard tilted as it rode the gusts. Titmice appeared early, followed by a yellow rump and white throats. The surface of the creek was rough.

Later in the morning a brown thrasher dug industriously under the camellia. Alas, the angle was bad and the window there gets dirty from the gutter splashing. Juncos arrived around the same time.

Two herons took up positions exactly ten bulkhead posts apart and kept watch on each other. A couple of geese also sunned on the bulkhead, ignoring the little white flags that K speculated were there to deter them. Mallards and a female hooded merganser paddled by.
Not much occurred during our very late and slightly burned dinner. Geese, cormorants, mallards, and a male hooded merganser were out on the creek with gulls overhead. One pelican made a fly-by. The warbler wars continue over the suet. One sat on the suet, the other on the roof of the seed feeder, and they glared at each other.
The temperature got over 60°F today! At sunset the streaky clouds were rose behind the commuting cormorants.
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