Since 1/1/11 I have been describing what I see in the back yard. I occasionally digress.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Last day of EDT
It was sunny in the morning, clouded over at lunch, then cleared a bit later. The light breeze was cold. Moonflowers and morning glories lingered through the day. Honeybees took advantage and also tried a rose. Yellow jackets jittered between but never settled on flowers. The same with the yellow-brown flitters I thought were skippers yesterday. A tiny mint-green butterfly or moth defeated my attempt to photograph it though it climbed on my finger. An ailanthus webworm moth on the screen door was more cooperative.
Three mallard pairs slept on the dock. Then a hermit thrush took an interest in the beauty berries! Squirrels made out in the oak then played follow-the-leader across the yard.

morning glory,
yellow jackets
Friday, October 30, 2015
The temperature certainly dropped over night. The sky cleared and the sun shone on slack water at dawn. Later the wind ruffled the surface while geese and mallards paddled. A male downy came to breakfast.
At lunchtime I spied a yellow rumped warbler, first butterbutt of the season. The beautyberry was fast shedding its leaves but trees were mostly still green. Squirrels were digging up the acorns others had buried. Despite the chilly wind, honeybees and yellow jackets worked hard. Something small and yellow-brown was flitting around but never landed where I could see. My guess was skippers but they could have been moths.
Below the feeder, there were a lot of blue jay feathers from various parts of the bird. I don't know if it got away or if the predator carried it away to eat. Maybe that's why birds have been scarce since we got home?

blue jays,
downy woodpeckers,
yellow jackets
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Rain on a warm wind
Despite that, it has been very warm. Bees were out to feed on the rosemary and lavender. A flock of mallards paddled downstream. The squirrels appeared to have lost their warbles while we were gone, but they still looked scarred. The moonflowers, morning glorys, roses, marigolds, and camellias were all blooming. The dogwoods all turned red and the redwood and hickory bronze. But no songbirds visited in the morning.
A downy woodpecker was on the suet before lunch but left as soon as I saw it. A male house finch ate seeds for a while during lunch. Afterward I heard, then glimpsed, two Carolina wrens. But, I noticed a pine needle floating between the camellia and the sakaki and deduced a spider. Sure enough, a fat barn spider (Neoscona crucifera) was eating the web. When it saw me seeing it, it scurried up a thread and hid under a leaf. The leaf, however, was above me and useless as a hiding place.
Later, a small bird grasshopper bounced all over the patio and even climbed the window. Geese paddled by and a heron flew over the creek. There were moments of sun but mostly rain clouds speeding North on a very gusty wind that never really dried things out. High tide came around midday and was really high, mostly due to the moon, I think, since the wind came from the South.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015
And home

A sizable roach, on its back and waving feebly, greeted me at the door.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Round sunset moon

Monday, October 19, 2015

A red fox ran across Bradford in front of us in the dark. I mostly just saw the white tip of its brush because I was in the back seat.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Up early
A Carolina wren worked on the suet before it was fully light out. A cardinal and a chickadee came for an early seed breakfast. It was too dark for photos.
Later a pelican cruised alongside the CBBT. Then I saw fins cutting the surface of the Bay near the second tunnel. Probably dolphins though they looked very sharp.
Twice I saw dead deer by the side of the road North. And once I glimpsed what I think was a groundhog. When we stopped for lunch, the clouds were very strange.

Twice I saw dead deer by the side of the road North. And once I glimpsed what I think was a groundhog. When we stopped for lunch, the clouds were very strange.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Magic leaf

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Beautiful day
Dawn appeared with rosy fingers as the sun tinted bars of cloud pink. Chickadees were hungry this morning. I saw egrets (one great and one snowy) down by the creek. They did not get along well. This one was only visible as a reflection.
The male downy came back and I also saw a Carolina wren. The sky was very blue but cottony cumulus floated East. I saw what I think was a cuckoo wasp on the moonvine when I went looking for yesterday's caterpillar. Bees were busy on all the flowering herbs.
Sunset was spectacular, but I was driving. It was very pink with gold edging on the clouds.

Sunset was spectacular, but I was driving. It was very pink with gold edging on the clouds.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
West wind

downy woodpeckers,
Monday, October 12, 2015
Lovely day

At lunch time, first a catbird and then a mockingbird ate beauty berries. An orange sulphur butterfly flitted all over.
downy woodpeckers,
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Still overcast

There was some sun mid-day but it didn't last. A catbird plundered the beauty berries.
Canada geese,
downy woodpeckers,
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Cold and gray
It rained during breakfast and the wind was out of the Northeast again. The male downy woodpecker was back at the suet. I saw an egret and a cormorant at the dam outfall.
A glimmer of sun at lunch faded quickly. For lack of light, none of my photos came out.
A glimmer of sun at lunch faded quickly. For lack of light, none of my photos came out.
Friday, October 9, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The creek was unruffled but a light breeze got chilly.
carpenter bee,
downy woodpeckers,
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
More sunshine, less wind

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

house finches,
tufted titmice,
Monday, October 5, 2015
High wind and water still

I got supper at a fast food and watched crows and a gull argue over an abandoned paper bag. One crow stayed on the roof and shouted directions at the others. I wish I'd taken a picture but I was fumbling with change. Lots more crows flew over the shops despite the wind. The sky was clearing a bit by then and turned gold at sunset.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
High water
The tide went even higher than yesterday, and stayed there. The sky was gray and there were some sprinkles, unless that was wind-driven spray? The wind was fierce.
Great egrets were out fishing and a few gulls flew over. The regulars hit the feeder. I saw doves and possibly a mockingbird, but nothing else. Squirrels raced about their nutty business, even in the thrashing treetops.
Another large web flapped in the gusts, this time in the camellia outside the kitchen window. The black swallowtail caterpillars munched away and poor little bumblebees struggled to the rosemary and lavender.

Saturday, October 3, 2015
There was a brief shower at noon but the main cause of flooding was wind. In fact, while the morning was mostly gray, the sun was out a good part of the afternoon and it got surprisingly hot and very sticky. The hurricane was still far South so I don't know if the wind should be blamed on Joaquin. Either the wind or the water pushed over the saltbush.
Titmice joined the regulars in the morning. The birds were all very possessive about the feeder, even the chickadees. Doves lurked. A great egret waded in the dam outflow. Geese and mallards rode on the creek.
Bees and wasps were hungry. Butterflies were more interested in propagation. I saw red spotted purples and cabbage whites. A tiny, but tail-less, skink darted across the step. Later I saw it on the far side of the pool cover. The remains of a huge web dangled from the dogwood over the pool. A different kind of spider hiked up the door frame.
K bought suet and hung a block of it. Maybe fifteen minutes elapsed before a male downy woodpecker arrived. A brown headed nuthatch followed but was more interested in the seed feeder. The woodpecker didn't stay long either. A mockingbird sampled the beauty berries. In the afternoon, a snowy egret waded in the grass above the bulkhead across the creek.
A squirrel buried a nut in the mulch and within a minute another had dug it up. Both were a mess of warbles. This one was the thief.

downy woodpeckers,
tufted titmice,
Friday, October 2, 2015
More rain and wind

Thursday, October 1, 2015

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