The birds were glad it was warmer and less windy than yesterday. A red bellied woodpecker and a Carolina wren joined us for breakfast. The myrtle warbler had molted into his summer face which revealed his sex.
A palamedes swallowtail flew across the yard at lunch. Afterward, I went outside and twice saw an osprey soaring over the creek. A
bee fly hovered around the violets. A silver spotted skipper fed on the money plant flowers. Two dragonflies contested the right to perch on one of my bamboo stakes. My best guess for the one that perched is
common baskettail. A goldfinch capped my backyard time.
We went for a walk and as we passed the lightning-scarred sycamore, we could hear a woodpecker rapping, but could not see it. There used to be a pileated nest in that tree. I saw an odd clump of lichen in a crape myrtle that might have been a hummingbird nest. Since crape myrtles shed their bark they don't usually have lichens. A flowering bush was humming with bees and at least one bee fly,
Bombylius major. I discovered a blooming rose in our front yard.
At supper, I noticed two egrets together below the dam. It was hard to get much of picture but I'm fairly certain they were snowy egrets. Then the feral cat decided to rest on the pool cover, But it seemed to think there was something alive beneath it. Skink?