The hail storm at 11pm last night left evidence that hadn't melted by 7am. A drift of ice flowed from the gutter downspout. Fortunately, plants did not seem too badly battered. Later I discovered that the dark crust on the patio concrete was scarred with spots that I believe were made by the hail.
Several egrets were taking advantage of the stormwater flowing out of the lake which always seems to attract fish. Rain continued to fall sporadically throughout the morning.

Right after bluebirds breakfasted on bark butter mush, a darker bird about the same size showed up. It was the first
blue grosbeak I have ever seen in my life. It didn't eat anything though. I wonder if the storm carried it in? The male downy checked to see if the suet had come back. It hadn't so the downy had a little bark butter mush.
Evening sunshine lit up the wet leaves as a bluebird ate.
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