Clouds looked like rain one minute and sunny the next. They were being pushed by strong winds...A house wren checked out the feeder by my office. It flew before the camera was ready, but I saw it and I'm declaring it FoS. A yellow crowned night heron perched on the dock.

Blue jays and bluebirds snatched bark butter balls. A mallard hen paddled downstream with a raft of freshly hatched ducklings. A yellow crowned night heron (same one?) preened on a pine branch that overhung the creek. The day was very warm but the breeze and the come-and-go clouds kept it comfortable.

Fiddleheads were opening on the fern. I saw buds on the yellow flag iris. There were a lot fewer flowers on the coral honeysuckle. I thought I saw an odd bumblebee visiting the money plant. Then I realized it was a hummingbird moth. That was the first in many years!

Around 5pm a very gentle rain fell. A bluebird and a brown thrasher visited the bark butter balls. The low sun broke through at one point and I thought of checking for a rainbow, but the temperature had dropped about 20 degrees. Then the sky got dark and the rain hammered the ground during supper. The clouds lightened up a little before twilight.
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