The brown thrasher breakfasted on bark butter balls. Bluebirds came next, then Carolina wrens. Starlings poked around looking for something to replace the suet. In the late morning, I spotted the wood duck pair across the creek.
K saw a skink at lunch but I missed it. We both saw butterflies, a black swallowtail and a brownish one that might have been a questionmark.

The brown thrasher was back and the Carolina wrens appeared to be courting. A little later a wren was pursuing something at the base of the post when a blue jay crashed in to snatch the prize. Whatever that was, neither got it.

The dogwoods were finished and the wild cherry pretty thoroughly pollinated. Blue eyed grass was blooming already. The biggest azalea bush had three different kinds of blossoms:magenta, bi-color pink, and white. Yellow bearded irises were beginning to flower. There were lots of insects but none that wanted to pose.

The first yellow crowned night heron this Spring stalked along the edge of the creek. Downstream, a great blackback gull caught a fish. Finally, rain hit about 10:45pm.
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