Morning was wet and gray and entirely too full of starlings. Thankfully, there also were bluebirds. A pine warbler got some time on the suet but the light wasn't good. The red bellied woodpeckers came for their share.

The creek was placid, disturbed only by geese and mallards. The mallards invaded the patio repeatedly. A blue jay joined the bluebirds, starlings, and woodpeckers at lunchtime. Then a female oriole appeared in an explosion of colors.

Mid afternoon, the sky cleared. I caught sight of a couple of squirrels in a public display of affection, but they separated before the camera caught up. A myrtle warbler competed with the pine warbler for suet. I'm not sure whether these were the ones that spent the winter because today the pine warbler seemed dominant. The myrtle warbler was nearly completely molted into summer plumage.
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