Saturday, September 21, 2024


The tide overran the dock again and flooded the salt marsh grasses..  I was busy all morning but the weather waited for me.  The sky was cloudless and the sun intense, though the wind and water were chilly. There wasn't as much bird activity in the afternoon.  A Carolina wren bunny-hopped along the back of the bench, then flew to the barkbutter balls.  As though that gave permission, a blue jay followed.  Of course there were cardinals and chickadees. 

A little brown frog was hanging out on the leaves in the skimmer.   A couple of larger frogs were chillin' on the rescue stick intended for critters' escape if they fall in the water.  When I got over to the deep end though, I only found one frog.  I gently lifted it out onto the concrete.  I also found two cabbage looper moth caterpillars, Trichoplusia ni, and rescued one, but the other sank and I couldn't find it.  Perhaps just as well.  Southern purple mint moths were everywhere.  I glimpsed a skink disappearing into vegetation but, thankfully, there were none in the water.   

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