Friday, September 27, 2024

Hurricane weather

Both kinds of nuthatches stocked up with their equivalent of "bread and milk."  Titmice crowded the seed feeder.  A downy woodpecker had barkbutter balls.  The female juvenile cardinal was beginning to get the hang of feeding herself but still begged.  A squirrel ate dogwood berries.  So did a mockingbird.  A foraging squirrel was covered with warbles.  A blue jay stayed in the trees.  A monarch butterfly briefly visited the butterfly milkweed.

Hurricane Helene was a long way off but even so, local weather was affected.  The morning was overcast but quiet.  Rain began around 2:30pm and gradually got heavier.  The tide was still running high for the point in the lunar cycle.  I glimpsed a couple of gulls but they flew out of sight immediately.  

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