Sunday, September 11, 2011

Golden dawn

The sky was a glowing apricot in the East this morning. But every surface was dripping with condensation, even the screens.

I put out fresh juice for the hummers. Mary Reid Barrow's article says they will be migrating soon. I may have to buy some pineapple sage. The hummers seem satisfied with the new sugar water. It is dripping, maybe because I didn't let it warm up before screwing on the base?

A woodpecker checked out one of the dogwoods. I think it is a hairy woodpecker but it's hard to be sure of size. Later I caught a mockingbird working on the dogwood and beauty berries.

Heavy clouds have come out of the South and there have been a few drops of rain. As the afternoon progressed, the cumulus clouds cast dramatic beams of light and shadow. An osprey flapped past.

In the pool, I found a gray beetle that was new to me. It was bright metallic blue-green under the wings. After some searching of, and Forestry Images, I think it is a jewel beetle, specifically a pine borer, Chalcophora virginiensis.

Another beetle was roaming the top step of the ladder, watched over by a large fishing spider that has taken up residence on the ladder. I decided not to rescue its lunch. Frankly, I am intimidated by spiders that can chase me around the pool. Also, a garden spider has built a web under the front porch light. I much prefer them because they stay put behind the white zigzag in the web.

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