Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Beautiful day

I got up early for a meeting in Norfolk.  The sun was just tinting the clouds in the West, peach above and smoke below against a pale blue.  It would make a great abstract print.  On my return, there was a mass of cumulus to the South and East but just fluff in the North and West.  Eventually it all cleared off to that intense blue that seems to me to have a purple tinge.  I wonder if I'm seeing a bit of ultraviolet?

In the morning, the tide was high and a great egret prowled along the creek edge, up in the grass above the marsh.  It was windy all day and that's never good for birds or bugs.  Then I left for another meeting.

In the afternoon, I saw a hummer in the lavender and a black swallowtail around that and other herbs.  But I cannot see any caterpillars.  Lots of bees and wasps everywhere.  I rescued crickets and grasshoppers and spiders and what looked like a weevil.  The weeping conk has swelled, but not as big as the ones two years ago.  Crows quarreled and an osprey flew over.  A convoy of geese sailed downstream. 

K took down the birdhouse and I took some pictures of the wrens' nest inside.  Amazing how many twigs they stuffed in there.  I don't know if the feathers are accidental or on purpose. 

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