Saturday, August 23, 2014

Mostly gray

Cardinals and chickadees visited the feeder at breakfast.  A spider visited the kitchen. There were titmice at lunch.

Then I went to Town Point Park where there were amazing dragonflies and lots of gulls, mostly laughing gulls, I think, at least they had black heads.  There was way too much noise to hear them.  The clouds over the Elizabeth River were very dramatic while the dark rain bands were off East.  Around 4pm the clouds began to break up and the sun got quite hot.  The dragonflies disappeared except when the sun was covered. 

Back home, a dove explored the mulch.  I noticed that the tail-less cardinal seems to have new feathers growing.  Another mama spider was in the skimmer.  A katydid had drowned, I think, with its wings all spread out like a specimen.  Rain fell around 7pm, enough to wet everything but not enough to pool in the birdbath.  A great blue heron stood on the dock bench in the rain.

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