Friday, July 3, 2015

Cooler and very pleasant

The sun shone on wet surfaces.  The blueberry plants were dripping.  A Carolina wren visited the feeder early.  At least two and I think more titmice came for seeds.  A female house finch hunkered down and drove off chickadees and titmice till the cardinals showed up.  Another mud wasp obsessed over the glass door and a yellow kneed wasp landed on the screen. K hung fresh hummer juice. 

A buzzard circled at lunch.  The hummer appeared pleased with the fresh juice.  A brown thrasher was busy all afternoon all over the yard, as though it had started another family in the camellia.  A yellow crowned night heron rested on the dock.  A white breasted nuthatch scurried around a dogwood.  A male goldfinch checked out the progress of the sunflowers while a dove poked around underneath. House wrens sang and scolded and investigated the pool skimmings. 

I rescued two June bugs and saw a small gray tiger beetle hot-footing it on the concrete.  An immature male widow skimmer took up post by the steps while a black saddlebags patrolled overhead.  Female widow skimmers hung out in the bushes.  Earlier, a blue dasher perched on another pole, and later I saw a twelve-spotted skimmer.  A tiger swallowtail made a few passes through the yard.  A painted (or American) lady turned up its proboscis at the roses.  I saw a hairstreak or something like it on the chaste tree flowers.  Bees and a few wasps enjoyed the sunflowers, except when they landed on the same one.  A large blue-tailed skink showed up on the patio. 

At first the clouds were coming from the South, then lower clouds began to come in from the East.  Late in the afternoon, a bit of rainbow appeared high in the West in advance of thick cloud cover.  I think it must have been a sort of mist because no rain fell out of that blue sky.  Rain did begin after sunset.

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