Monday, January 4, 2021

Chilly even in the sun

The sun returned and the birds apparently found food elsewhere.  A song sparrow poked through the mulch.  Clouds made the sunlight flick on and off like a kid playing with the light switch. 

I saw a kingfisher alight on a dock piling so I hurried to a better window.  I suppose it was the male that's been around for months, but it kept its back to me so I couldn't be sure.  Four or five crows scared it off. I wondered if they were the same gang that I saw on the bench the other day.  I also wondered whether they were American or fish crows.  I didn't get a photo this time as they kept flying back and forth between docks.  

While I was there, a hooded merganser drake paddled past, headed upstream.  Turtles congregated on their log in the lake to enjoy the sunshine.  Pelicans flew by and one plunged and caught a fish.

The yellow rumped warbler with the leftover mask landed in the tree above the window. A mockingbird worked on the suet by this window.  Then some other bird flew at it and banged into the window but kept going.  It made me jump and I didn't get a good look.  A pine warbler watched from a twig.  Then a red breasted nuthatch brought a seed to a pine branch to hammer open.  

My peppers are ripening in the house.  They didn't get very big but there's something so satisfying about eating food you grew.  K is keeping the plants healthy.  In the afternoon a female oriole came to the patio suet feeder.  She was a deep orange which is supposed to indicate an older bird.  The one yesterday was more of a lemon color on the breast and white on the belly.  A Carolina wren got a drink.  A female hooded merganser paddled upstream.  


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