Friday, January 8, 2021

Cold and wet

Periods of rain punctuated the day which stayed cold.  As a result, I didn't put out any more bark butter balls, but some birds pecked at the mush that was left.  The warblers explored all options for food and fought with each other.  Carolina wrens tried to avoid the fuss. The light was terrible and the windows were spotted with rain, so a third of my pictures were washouts.  Thank goodness for digital cameras.

A female oriole joined a male downy woodpecker on the suet.  It was the male red bellied woodpecker's turn at the suet.  Bluebirds managed to get their share.  Despite those big, soulful eyes, bluebirds fought over access to suet, just like the warblers and mockingbirds. A brown thrasher joined smaller birds looking for fallen suet crumbs.  One starling returned and made plenty of crumbs.  They are messy eaters.  A white breasted nuthatch tried the suet.  The ruby crowned kinglet came back for more suet. 

Titmice and the white breasted nuthatch joined the chickadees, house finches, and cardinals for sunflower seeds.  Several white throated sparrows looked for fallen seeds.  Two female cardinals went at each other too.  A goldfinch popped in to see if there were any good seeds left.   A song sparrow pushed a brown headed nuthatch off the seed feeder, then went beak to beak with a house finch before retiring to the mulch. 

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