Saturday, December 25, 2021

Still warm

The sky was orange when I woke up but it soon went gray.  The creek was gray too, and rough.  I believe I saw two pileated woodpeckers early in the morning, but they were in the trees and they soon flew off in opposite directions.  I suppose they could have been crows, but they moved and perched like woodpeckers.  Mid morning, the overcast started tearing apart and pretty soon birds arrived at the feeders.  I wonder if a hawk had been keeping them in hiding.  Like yesterday, bluebirds and pine warblers came first.  Unlike previous days, I got the mockingbird. The diffuse light helped the camera focus on the foreground, but it failed me on the red bellied woodpecker.  

A male Baltimore oriole showed up.  I couldn't tell if it was the same as the one I saw a week ago.  It seemed interested in the grape jelly but then something spooked it.  I did not see it again.  Blue jays  couldn't stay away from the barkbutter balls.  A Carolina wren investigated all the food except the grape jelly.  The wren got into and argument over suet with a pine warbler.  Then the warbler fussed at a titmouse.  What a grump - maybe it was the molting feathers.  

I snapped a shot at a bird in a tree that turned out to be a brown thrasher.  The camera gods were with me on that one.  There were sparrows around but I missed them.  One butterbutt still had its Summer bandit mask.  A female cardinal on the seed feeder was rude to a brown headed nuthatch.  Wind from the West pulled clouds into elongated sausages.  

We went for a short walk with the dog in the afternoon.  A buzzard monitored our progress.  I saw mistletoe loaded with berries.  I was looking for lichens to identify with my new book.  I also saw some fern moss, family Thuidiaceae.  Gulls circled against a background of cotton puffs. 

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