Gray sky. The white spot squirrel was busy in the mulch. Later another squirrel came past with a pecan. I think it was dug up like a 1000-year-old-egg. The sunflowers are quite finished blooming but still have green leaves so I think the seeds must be growing.
By mid afternoon it was above 70 and the sky was clearing somewhat. A strong wind out of the WSW moved the lower cumulus along very fast and the wispy higher clouds tagged behind. Gulls were playing mad flying games, as usual, when the wind is strong.
Bees and yellow jackets were hard at work. A larger bird chased a smaller over near the neighbor's fence, too fast for me to identify. A small pelican flew first upstream then down, staying very low to the water, out of the wind. Buffleheads were out paddling.

An olive drab bird flitted through the bushes, I think it was a goldfinch. A flock of robins landed in the oak and I believe it included a cedar waxwing. If you look very closely you can see the waxy yellow tip of the tail. A dove was also perched there, but didn't fly off with the flock. I thank Mary Reid Barrow for
blogging that cedar waxwings flock with robins, otherwise I would not have guessed to look for them.
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