There was a flurry of activity that is now over. Sparrows scurried around, joined by a female towhee, and the white-spot squirrel. A cardinal, a chickadee, and a finch stopped by. Out on the creek buffleheads were joined by cormorants. Two great blue herons flew upstream.
A great blackback gull is sitting on the dock. Mallards and geese have joined the buffleheads.

By lunch, watery sunlight had warmed the day into the 60s. The yellow jackets are continuing to work on their raided nest. When I opened the door, two
fishing spiders dashed away. Titmice, chickadees and a nuthatch are on the feeder with sparrows and juncos below. A blue jay and a cardinal are hanging around in the trees. The crows had another family fight.

The setting sun lit up thin clouds and highlighted a tree full of egrets across the creek and above the dam. You can't buy tree ornaments to beat this! Dusk fell and a cardinal sought a bedtime snack.
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