And that brought a towhee, this time a male, I think. Interesting that they only visit on rainy mornings. Sharing the mulch were juncos, a wren, and a song sparrow. On the feeder, finches, cardinals, and chickadees stocked up. It's a good thing I refilled it yesterday. The birds all showed up around 7:30 and were gone by 8am.

Sunlight is flickering on in the afternoon, but dark clouds persist to the North. A nuthatch ventured out despite the wind. The clouds are moving very fast to the ESE. A pelican flew upstream and five buffleheads held station off the dock. A junco stuffed itself on the feeder while a white-throated sparrow settled into the wet mulch. A small flock of mallards flew upstream. A buzzard circled the creek. A couple dozen crows all headed upstream, no doubt to make life a burden for a hawk.
The camera is still being fussy about focus. The rising moon is round and bright so I guess the sky has cleared.
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