The sky is full of heavy clouds in bands and mounds with the sun peeking through gaps. The wind is fierce. The feeders are not just rocking, they're bouncing. For a while it seemed the only birds that would venture out were gulls. Then a brave chickadee came to the feeder and a pelican flew up the creek. A flock of white-throated sparrows ventured out of the rosemary, then scurried back. A male cardinal clung to the feeder while his crest blew sideways. The lavender is still blooming, just like the rosemary.

Around noon, the clouds cleared somewhat, but they have recovered the sky. Still, the birds decided it was time to eat despite the wind. Two nuthatches, titmice and chickadees perched on the madly swinging feeder while sparrows and a squirrel foraged below. A song sparrow drove off the white-throats while a nuthatch watched from above. Over the creek, I saw a cormorant flying backward trying the head into the wind. Gulls played while pelicans stayed low. A buzzard circled along with another large bird that may be a young eagle.
I went out on the dock to view the sunset, but the wind was too cold to stay long. A pair of geese went past and cormorants struggled upwind.
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