The sky is blue and the creek glassy. It's nippy but not really cold without wind. A cardinal brightened the feeder and a couple of white throated sparrows kicked the mulch around. I got up late and may have missed other birds.
A half hour later it is overcast. There is a female cardinal that acts as though something is wrong with its feet. It rests on its belly on the feeder and moves with difficulty, but it flies without any problem so I cannot get close.

Now the sun is finding breaks in the clouds. I decided to give the squirrels some peanuts to make merry. One squirrel has whiter than average ears - all the gray squirrels here have white on the back of their ears, but this one has large, furry patches of white. A male squirrel has lost its tail. It has a furred stub and a bare, skinned bit sticking out beyond. I think a predator grabbed its tail and pulled it off, but K thinks it got burned. It does not seem to be unhealthy otherwise and certainly has an appetite for peanuts. There are at least five squirrels around.
Chickadees and nuthatches came for lunch. On the ground a white throat stayed out of the way of the squirrel with the white spot on its hip. A pelican flew past.
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