The Carolina wren checked the spot where I've been leaving peanuts but found only soggy crumbs. It sang a bit, then flew to it's favorite perch on the grill hose where it was sheltered from the rain. Meanwhile, chickadees and cardinals visited the feeder and white throats scurried everywhere. The creek surface is opaqued with rain and I don't see any fishing birds.

Around 9:30, six pelicans floated on the creek in a circle fishing. The group moved upstream, part paddling and part hopping into the air. I heard gulls scream, unless that was the pelicans? The rain continues to fall steadily.
The rain became un-gentle around 11 and the wind fierce. The clapper on the wind chime across the creek was swinging up past the pipes. Clouds were driven North as fast as birds fly, but gulls played on the gusts.
Pelicans continue to fish despite the wind and finches have joined the feeder queue. At least three squirrels are also hunting a meal in between chasing each other. I believe I'm seeing a couple of ruddy ducks out on the creek.
3pm, the rain is pounding and it's quite gloomy. Fortunately that didn't last long. And now, an hour later, I believe the sky is clearing. The clouds are moving East where before they were going North. The sun appeared just in time to set. Despite all the rain, the day has been warm.