Clouds have rolled down from the North over the blue sky when I got up. It is gusty. Gulls, cormorants and pelicans are flying over the creek while ducks and gulls drive a school of fish. I believe the ducks are common mergansers which I've never before been certain I've seen. One photo, though blurry, actually catches a duck under water!

On the feeder, nuthatches, titmice, finches, juncos, and white throated sparrows are pitching seed to more juncos, sparrows, and the female towhee below. The two male cardinals are still jockeying for territory. A Carolina wren perched in the dogwood and sang.
Cloud cover keeps rolling through alternating with blue sky. Someone else took a
photo of the eagle I saw across the creek and sent it to Mary Reid Barrow. A new reference book looks interesting,
Flora of Virginia.
The late afternoon sun caught a pelican banking for a plunge. It is now in breeding plumage with the dark neck and yellow head. Meanwhile, the female towhee kicked mulch everywhere while sparrows and juncos dodged. Chickadees were busy on the feeder. A dove, much fluffed out, snoozed on the back of the bench.
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