There are bits of cloud but overall the sky is blue. The sunlight is illuminating new leaves on the wild cherry against a shaded background. Cardinals and nuthatches have visited the feeder. Lots of white throated sparrows are kicking mulch. Pelicans and cormorants are hunting. A grackle went by with a beak full of nesting. I can hear a titmouse singing
peter, peter but I cannot see it. As I was leaving the towhee pair showed up.
There are mockingbirds everywhere but my backyard. Bumblebees are visiting the jessamine and honeybees the rosemary, but the blueberry flowers aren't open yet. Some oaks are beginning to blossom. Two wrens were on the feeder when I got home.
I hung the hummingbird feeder.

Down on the dock, I saw cormorants, osprey, pelicans, and possibly a grebe. The pelican got into a wrestling match with its catch. It mantled its wings over the floating fish, and plunged at it several times. When it finally got the fish in its beak, it was huge.
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