A couple of chickadees let me know the feeder was down to dust and husks. So, it is refilled, now how long till they notice? At least four sparrows were kicking mulch along with the towhee pair but they all left early. It is overcast and rain is predicted.

The house finches discovered that the feeder was full again. A sparrow disputed their possession of the perch. Juncos found the seeds I dropped. The ospreys are still circling over the creek.
Noon has brought the rain. Cardinals, nuthatches, and Carolina wrens joined the crowd. A wren was happy with the dregs of my trail mix. One sparrow has brilliantly white eyebrows. An osprey landed in the pines and was immediately attacked by a crow. The rain continues.
By evening, the rain is beginning to become a bit solid, ice not snow. Tomorrow may be slippery.
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