The feeder is empty,
again. A couple of Carolina wrens, a nuthatch, and a chickadee got the last seeds and a cardinal left in disgust. Blue sky is back. Juncos and sparrows were checking out the mulch. (I'm trying to catch the last day I see the winter migrants.)
It really is Spring, albeit cold. The dogwood buds are swelling. An iris is blooming along with all sorts of daffodils.
This time I put a lot more in the feeder - I could hardly lift it onto the hanger. We'll see if it lasts any longer.

Some of the white throated sparrows are much duller than others with beige eyebrows instead of white. I thought they might be sexes, but this
site says they are color morphs - white and tan. "[I]t is reported that a mated pair usually consists of a white morph
and a tan morph, with the white morph being either the male of the female." But since they only winter here, I'll need to take their word for it.

At lunch, two great blue herons took off, two pelicans sailed by together, and an osprey soared above. A blue jay caught my eye when it landed in a dogwood. Then a crow landed in the sweet gum behind, and when I looked closely, there was a kingfisher on the next branch up.
Again, the clouds were very dramatic in the afternoon and even after dark they curtained the full moon as it rose.
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