The light is diffuse and directionless under uniform cloud cover. Pelicans and gulls are patrolling the water and I saw an egret and a female merganser. The female towhee joined the doves, squirrels, sparrows and juncos under the feeder. I think there are quite a few nuthatches and I'm certain of at least three. Several titmice also visited the feeder, along with the usual finches and chickadees.

At lunch, a male cardinal kept following another from tree to tree, annoying rather than fighting. Other birds had little aerial spats. The Carolina wren finally showed up. Both sparrow species foraged in the mulch and the white throats occasionally flew up to the feeder.
At dusk, a great blue heron flew in and took position on a dock piling. By full dark the sky was beginning to clear and show stars.
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