Since the windows were fogged, I sat outside. This made the usual suspects nervous, except for the Carolina wren feeding fledglings, who was too busy to care. A hummer paused briefly but didn't feed. Something big flapped overhead, osprey maybe. The hummer has been back, and hungry.

The day has been cloudy and the afternoon got very dark, and now rain is pouring. Before the rain started, a Carolina wren was frantically feeding a larger bird. I'm afraid it has wasted its parenting on a cowbird.
After the rain stopped, hummers showed up hungry.

A chickadee took an interest in the hummer feeder and the hummer kept trying to shoo it away. At some points the hummer was sitting on the seed feeder while the chickadee clung to the juice feeder. Unfortunately, the window was spotted with rain. More than one hummer is around - there were several instances where two buzzed around each other, and I think I may have seen a male.
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