By noon, there was a breeze. Skinks, including the one with a short blue tail, hurried about their business. Lots of cardinals joined the finches. A Carolina wren hunted in the mulch. Grasshoppers are flying across the yard. Small butterflies, and a sulphur, a tiger, and a purple are also flying around. We put out fresh hummer juice.
The chrysalis I first noticed on the 24th opened today. I found it empty and tried to remove it to get a better look. Well, the threads attaching it were stronger than the husk and it came apart. The bottom was full of a thick beige liquid that I assume was leftover caterpillar unneeded in butterfly form. As I bemoaned missing the emergence, I went to empty the skimmer. There was the butterfly! It was a palamedes swallowtail, alive, but not in great shape. I was as careful as possible in extracting it, but the wings are a mess. I put it in the sun to revive and it successfully pumped up one wing. Thinking some nourishment might help, I've left it on the rosemary where it can walk to flowers, soak up sun, and hide.

Then, a male goldfinch came to the feeder. A hummer visited the fresh feeder but didn't have any.
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