The sky is featureless white and the occasional raindrop is falling. The air is still and very humid, but a little cool. The wren has lured the fledgling cowbird onto the feeder so maybe soon it can stop wearing itself out on its giant foster child. This is the fledgling. I got a photo of the two of them but it is very fuzzy.

Two hummers seem more evenly matched than usual. They argued over the feeder and the rosemary and everything else.
Two millipedes moseyed down the house wall, one atop the other. Mating? They have been much more common this summer than I remember from other years. They're about an inch long and dark brown and seem to fit the description of "
common garden millipede." I've always enjoyed millipedes - I like the way motion flows along their legs. But the really cool
millipedes are the big ones I remember from Ohio.

Rain strengthened a bit in the late morning. The nuthatch showed up for lunch. The cowbird returned along with three Carolina wrens. It's twice the size of a finch, never mind a wren! Hummer warz continued. Cardinals and their offspring competed with finches and their offspring. Chickadees slipped past all the others. A squirrel with a very sparse, flat tail looked like it might have lost the top layer of fur. Bumblebees are working on the rosemary, but I haven't seen any honeybees on it since Spring.
The afternoon dried out a bit. An egret prowled the bulkhead. And this evening a rabbit appeared! That must mean the foxes have moved away.
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