At lunch time, the sky looked threatening. A half grown praying mantis stalked the rue. It blended with the morning glory vines. Two Carolina wrens shared the feeder. The hummer feeder has been busy. I don't know what the juvenile cardinal did, but a hummer chased it across the yard and apparently goosed it. Speaking of which, the Canada geese are beginning to flock. A dozen or two were cropping the grass along the street.
The brown headed nuthatch is still hanging about. The Carolina wren is still feeding the fledgling cowbird. Butterflies (a tattered red spotted purple) and dragonflies (a slaty skimmer) showed up along with bees and wasps. At least one hummer is fond of the rosemary and lavender and keeps trying to get into a gladiola bud. In addition to not sharing with each other, the hummers are harassing bigger birds. Dark clouds sailed past all afternoon without actually doing anything. I found the first frog of the season in the pool. Two great blue herons and a yellow crowned night heron took off when I was stalking the butterfly. (It was so damaged I didn't recognize it at first.)
A fuzzy first quarter moon is overhead.
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