Everything is dripping and everyone is hungry. In addition to the usual three, I've seen a wren, a nuthatch, a hummer, and a titmouse. Squirrels are busy too. The sky is still overcast but not too dark. An egret flew upstream.

Sunlight is getting through the clouds though the sky is still white. Titmice took advantage to visit the feeder. That was mid-morning. At noon, it rained.
Around 2pm, the clouds broke apart and let the sun through. Dragonflies and butterflies showed up, along with several skinks. A
silver-spotted skipper was all over the lavender. One dragonfly had a yellow body, another was blue. The wren is
still feeding the cowbird!

One of the young cardinals smacked into the glass and took some time to recover. But it finally scuttled into the bushes. The green mantis reappeared, on the window above the azalea under which the cardinal hid. Now I have predators at both doors, the argiope on the street side and the mantis on the water side.
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