The prediction was for sunshine but it was wrong. Clouds moved in all morning. The hummer took up position on a dead twig near the top of the dogwood where she could keep an eye on the feeder. A red admiral also liked that spot. A black swallowtail passed through without stopping.
The temperature was amazingly pleasant for August, a bit humid, but breezy. A variety of dragonflies and a cicada killer were busy around the front door.

In the back, a yellow sided skimmer had the pole position while a blue dasher watched from a dogwood twig. A skinklet sunned on a flat rock. I think it was already on its second tail. The hummer watched from perches in the oak and the dogwood. K and a friend were playing which meant that only the boldest birds came to the feeder. A titmouse stayed back in the shrubs. A squirrel used the pool ladder to get a drink. The moonflower vine had several buds and one was opening.
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