It was very humid with condensation on the windows. Finches occupied the seed feeder. No hummers, probably their feeder is dry. A small yellow-orange butterfly paused on the rosemary, but not long enough.
A larger yellow sulphur and a tiger swallowtail and a fiery skipper all evaded me. A fledgling mockingbird sat in the azalea while I was in the pool. An osprey circled. I saw two fledgling finches being stupid - if a hawk had been around, they'd have been dinner.

Clouds gathered in the afternoon and by 3pm looked very dramatic. The thunder and rain on the roof of the library was loud but it stopped before the meeting was over. On my way home I realized that the storm fronts on every horizon meant the dark cloud was overhead. And sure enough, rain pounded on me half way home and traffic crawled. I got ahead of it and the storm arrived home a few minutes later. Afterward there was brief sunshine then the clouds gathered again and rain started up again with sunset. In the dry interval, birds were very busy. Hummers chased and fledglings squalled.
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