I saw lots of butterflies throughout the day: swallowtails, skippers, a red spotted purple, a cloudless sulphur, hairstreaks, and a duskywing. The only dragonfly was a male widow skimmer. Wasps fed on the mint and rosemary. A family of cardinals tried to catch bugs and one, I think cicada, zoomed away buzzing in outrage. I also saw a cicada killer and more antlion dimples. In the pool, I rescued a full grown field cricket and a barely visible red leaf-footed bug nymph riding the prow of a leaf like a figurehead. I saw swimming something I believe was a dragonfly nymph. It looked an inch long with big eyes and pale legs that ended in black. Scared me but I wish I could have found it again after I got out to take a photo. A big spider was all folded up under the coping on the pool.

A family of red bellied woodpeckers flew in but didn't stay. A blue jay poked around under the oak, then perched on the trunk like a nuthatch. I saw a couple of wrens. Hummers were pleased to have their feeder refilled. It had mildew around feeding holes - I hope we got rid of that. A female goldfinch drank from the hummer feeder moat. A dove poked around the mulch.

Overcast broke apart and reformed several times. A couple of skinklets and a larger skink scampered over the concrete. A hint of purple tinged some of the beauty berries. Apparently one of the squirrels was in heat because there was a massive
chase around the oak. At least four and maybe six were involved. One squirrel needed refreshment.
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