Wrens showed up but were too fast for me. The same was true of a brown thrasher. The regulars ruled the feeder. A great blue heron stood briefly on the back of the dock bench.
I saw a flicker under the cherry but it got away. Wrens scolded and one Carolina wren walked up the oak trunk while I was in the pool. A female cardinal hunted for something in the grass. The hummers were very possessive. One actually chased a skinklet!

Dragonflies included a common whitetail female, an amberwing female, and a blue dasher male. Swallowtails and other butterflies were too fast. Ants were still farming aphids on the sunflower. A fox cub looked at me from about 8 feet (upwind) but dashed off when I moved the camera. Later I saw it and another in the neighbors' yard.
The afternoon sky was full of big clouds but they moved on without precipitation.
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