More chickadees than usual tried to edge in among the cardinals and house finches. So did a tufted titmouse. A female goldfinch got a drink form the hummer feeder. Meanwhile, a hummer checked out the morning glories but appeared unsatisfied. Bees liked them better. K said the full moon was setting when she opened the sunflower cafe.

A pair of doves poked through the mulch. A male goldfinch showed up and the female returned. Yellow butterflies - cloudless sulphur and tiger swallowtail - defeated the photographer as usual. A hairstreak was too far away. A damselfly hung around the pool till I tried to photograph it. A gray tiger beetle ran across the patio. I also glimpsed a young skink. A brown thrasher scuttled under the cedar. A squirrel ate dogwood berries. The hummer feeder ran out of juice.

While there was plenty of blue earlier, the sky clouded up in the late afternoon. I found the dragonfly nymph dead but may have seen another still alive. It appears to be a wandering glider
(Pantala flavescens) or at least something in the Libellulidae family. The water was murky from my brushing algae so I cannot be sure about the second one. The algae had gotten so out-of-hand that it made biofilms and when I brushed them off the pool sides they made green veils in the water. I rescued a beetle and a wasp and found a feather. The brown thrasher and the hummer came back. Two wrens cussed at each other in a dogwood. The spartina has begun to bloom.
After dark the window became a bug magnet. An
angle-wing katydid looked huge. Smaller stuff scurried around the glass. Moonlight penetrated the clouds, but the moon itself wasn't visible.
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