The air was crisp and full of light and the creek reflected it all. Several moonflowers were still open along with the morning glories and a couple of red roses. A cardinal family fed a fledgling. A goldfinch came for the water in the hummer feeder and a titmouse for seeds. Bumblebees and yellow jackets were up and working on flowers. The pimentos were beginning to turn red.

Butterflies appeared at lunch. A cabbage white visited every rosemary flower. I saw a palamedes and a tiger swallowtail, a cloudless sulphur, and a red spotted purple. Later, there were dragonflies, first an emerald female eastern pondhawk, then a bright yellow-sided skimmer. I rescued a
leafhopper assassin bug twice and several spiders from the water. The
basilica spider was still in the dogwood but the funnel weaver appeared to have abandoned its web.

Lots of blue tailed skinks were out in the sun, but no adults. Three buzzards circled high over the creek in the intensely blue sky.
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