The hummers were at it again. A female goldfinch paid a brief visit to the water well in the hummer feeder. The juvenile cardinals came for seeds. The morning sky was mostly cloudy.
At noon the clouds had become distinctly individual and by the time we finished lunch & shopping the East was clear blue while the West held dark-bottomed cumulus which eventually disappeared.

Back home, I heard and then saw a kingfisher. Brush was in the way so I don't know the sex but I think it caught a fish. The female goldfinch came back. It hung out by the hummer's dogwood perch. The male juvenile cardinal worked on the big sunflower while I sat about eight feet away. A couple of doves came while I was in hte pool. Squirrels were busy - one was stripping a pinecone and the scales pattered down like rain. I saw an amberwing in the grass, a red spotted purple up in the oak, and a duskywing on the rosemary.
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