At least the windows were not fogged at breakfast. The regulars, a titmouse, and the hummers were hungry. A squirrel went by with a large raw area on its right side between front and rear leg. I suspect it was bitten by a warble fly and then scratched. Another squirrel carried a large green pecan off, the second I've seen this week doing that. A gleam of sun came through around 9am but it didn't last.

By lunch the clouds had lumped up and the sun was bright. A very tiny skink tagged its tail across the patio. A female goldfinch watched from the cherry. A pair of doves poked through the mulch.

I rescued two blue tailed skinks from the water and K saved another. I also fished out a lacewing and a cicada, but it seemed dead or dying. A fresh mushroom popped up under the oak. A spindly legged true bug was waiting for me on the glass door. A hummer watched the feeder from the dogwood, when not drinking. The other birds were more wary.
Fluffy cumulus clouds flowed East on a gusty wind while higher, thinner clouds moved more slowly. Just about the time the sky was clear, the sun disappeared behind a low bank of cloud on the Western horizon. That was around 6:30pm. At 7:30 the cloud wall hit and the power went down and up twice. So I shut down the computer and found myself in pitch darkness except for lightning. I just made it out to close the feeder when the rain began to hammer. The whole storm lasted about 20 minutes then grumbled away East.
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