The windows were fogged again but blue sky was apparent. K hung fresh juice for the hummers but none showed during breakfast. Just the regulars at the seed feeder. The saltmarsh fleabane was blooming beside the spartina.

Thin, high clouds flowed East. Skinks reappeared in appreciation of the sunshine. A few dragonflies were still around. I rescued a blue dasher male from the pool. Also a yellow jacket and a few unidentified bugs. A basilica spider built a web in the dogwood where I hung the birdhouse and already had two beads on its string-of-pearls egg case. A funnel weaver built in the corner of the pool steps. All sorts of butterflies were out: black, tiger, and palamedes swallowtails, a cloudless sulphur and maybe a sleepy orange, hairstreaks, red spotted purples, and the one I think may be a hackberry emperor.

A dove appeared unconcerned by our presence outside for lunch. And the hummers kept drinking and chasing. But the goldfinches were too wary of us to come for seeds. One bird I thought was a goldfinch turned out to be a great crested flycatcher hidden by leaves. Two turkey vultures circled over the creek. A Carolina wren scolded long and loud from the camellia. I thought I heard a couple of blue jays calling, but the photo I got is of a mockingbird! I also heard a woodpecker knocking and other sounds I could not identify.
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