The morning was sticky. Wind finally cleared the air but brought clouds. The only wildlife I saw in the park where I was registering voters was yellow jackets. On the way home I observed the gulls in a shopping center parking lot. Canada geese were all over town.

A hummer visited the clean, fresh feeder and didn't stay. I don't know what they dislike about it. A skink raced across the patio as I ate lunch. I finally got in the pool which was full of leaves, pine needles, and acorns. While I was catching that stuff, crickets used me as an island. I also saved some spiders, but the caterpillar I fished out was a goner. Meanwhile the sun disappeared completely and the wind was quite chilly. The moonflowers opened early. I wish we'd see some sphinx moths visit them.
The spider was back in the kitchen window tonight though it was much harder to see as the clouds began to drizzle toward sundown.
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